An all day affair. This one will make your mouth water.

See that sheen? The glisteningly moist tender beef brisket?
Father started with a treatment of Joe Valdez’s special seasoning the day before. We love you Joe.

Left to fester all night. Even the dog was excited.
Then Father prepared the smoker with lump charcoal. And soaked apple wood chips for 24 hours in water.

Smoker to 700 degrees, then lowered to 300…then 200 degrees. Then in goes the meat.

Make sure you’ve got a tray underneath with ~2 quarts of water, beef oxxo cube and a little bit of beef broth.

At 2pm Father took the beef off the smoker and placed it in a tin foil pan with 1 stout beer. Left to fester again on the smoker until 5pm, covered. Then removed and let stand. Stand by me baby.

Opened all the vents and placed the veggie-roasting pan on the Egg to get nice and hot. Smoked the olive oil and balsamic vinegar-covered potatoes for 40 minutes.

Then switched the potatoes for the mixed vegetable medley.
Roast, roast, roast.
The master slices his creation.

With coconut pecan fudge brownies to finish…